While weight loss "specialists" and doctors are asking people to eat five to six small dinners each day to get in shape and maintain their digestion, logical research shows very different results. As the concentrates of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows, the consumption of small, permanent meals does not make members fit. A comparable report has also been produced in Australia with comparable results: if you eat regularly at dinner, you will not be fit.
Although it makes no sense to eat a few consecutive dinners, it is also a ruinous practice. The human stomach takes between four and five hours to prepare a feast - in some cases longer, depending on what you eat. It takes at least an hour to rest before "going back". By the time a person eats regularly, the gastrointestinal process, in addition to your cycle of fat consumption, which takes place at the last stage of treatment, is impaired. Besides, insulin levels in the body remain high, which could lead to long-term insulin resistance.
Your stomach is a sensitive organ that requires a break between dinners. Eating incessant dinners keeps it active throughout the day and will end up "wearing down" your stomach and beating your entire gastrointestinal tract. It is therefore not surprising that stomach problems such as heart disease, rash, swelling, low stomach acid, heartburn, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome have all increased.
It turned out that our employees were right from the start - three dinners a day and no food in the middle. Place your dinner separately for five hours for optimal intake and weight reduction!